Happy Saturday!
I am so glad to FINALLY be able to link up with sweet Meghann of Oh Boy Third Grade and her super adorable Currently link up! It you haven't check this out....you sould! It has to be one of my favorite linkies and they are so much of fun to read!
So here is what I am up to.....
Here are the rules if you chose to link up to Currently..the rule of three! Head over to two blogs before you and leave a sweet comment and then vistit the blog after you and do the same.
Now, I really do have about a million things that I want to make for TpT. It's always back there somewhere in the back of my mind just dying to get out! I am currently working on a Spring Break Personal Narrative resource similar to my Winter Break Writing Resource.
I am hoping to have it posted by the end of the weekend. Fingers crossed!
I am also adding a new font to my Curls collection! This will be another addition this weekend!
Busy but loving it!
Make sure to visit my facebook page
Teaching with Curls and a Smile for Sunday Shout Outs and updates
on my blog posts and resources at TpT.