Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fall Feature at Blog Hoppin'!

Come by Blog Hoppin' and see what I
and so many of my awesome bloggy friends are doing this Fall!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My most amazing news EVER!

I don't know about you but I have a 'bucket list'.
I have a personal one with tons of travel destinations, random acts of kindness and things I want to accomplish before my time on this gorgeous Earth is over.
I also have a professional list. Oh YES! I have a list of goals that I want to accomplish in my career to both enrich my students and grow as an educator. One of the items on this list is to visit the Ron Clark Academy in Atalanta, Georgia. I have been so inspired by the dedication and innovation in education that is present at RCA that I knew, someday, I had to see it with my own eyes. See it in action, live and have the ability to take in the excitement and limitless learning potential that is overflowing at RCA.
It's no secret. I love Ron Clark and everything that he does for education. His books are awesome and all have a common theme. Find the best and amazing potential in each student and be the best for them because they depend on us. Find your passion and let it permeate every moment in the classroom. Let it seep out of every pore so that those around you KNOW you genuinely love what you do everyday. We are critical in what happens in the classroom and by being reflective of what we do throughout our experience with children, we can inspire children to become amazing members of the world community.
If you haven't read his books, they are a must for every teacher.
You will be inspired in ways you never thought possible.
After saying all this, I have exciting news.
My Principal, who also is a huge believer in what Mr. Clark has accomplished, has decided to send this little teacher to.....RCA!!
I am over the MOON with excitement!!
I have booked my flight and I can't wait to attend the conference in November!
I can't hardly believe it....I still want to pinch myself to see if I am dreaming! I am so excited and will be celebrating this awesome news with a fabulous book study coming soon....

Friday, October 11, 2013

Rake Up Fall Freebies!

Grab your virtual rake and get ready to bag up some "tree-rrific" freebies! Just float through all ELEVEN blogs to catch ELEVEN fall items. In addition, every time you "fall-ow" a blog, you can enter to win the grand prize. It's a bushel basket full of October goodies. The winner will be announced next Friday, October 18.

You'll have to visit each blog to see the freebies, but here's a peek at the items in the grand prize. If you just can't wait to see if you'll win, you can click each pic to go straight to TPT and make your purchase.


Now like my blog and enter to win the grand prize.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am the last little hop along the way so grab your freebie!
Just click on the image below and download! 

To keep filling your basket, go to the next blog and our fabulous host:
Happy Hoppin'!