Happy 2014! It hard to believe that 2013 is wrapped up and in the past and we start today with a fresh new outlook. I love this time of year because it forces us to think about our lives and how we want to view the world and the actions we want to take to make each year a memorable year.
This year is one that will bring about a lot of change. My beautiful daughter is in fifth grade and I know that this spring will simply fly by and before I know it she will be in middle school. Middle school...how did that happen so quickly! Where has the time gone?
So one of my resolutions for this year is to spend time with her. Not just doing homework or taking her to dance, but really spend time with her. I would love to spend time taking her to dinner or painting or anything that her heart desires. It had to happen because if these last ten years have flown by the. I know I will blink and I will be sending her off to college....sniff, sniff!
I say this every year and every year I fall in the trap....I say that I want to spend less time thinking about school, more time with family. I am sure that you have been there too. It is definitely a conscious effort to make it happen but I am beyond determined to put my family first and rest assured that everything else will get done.
So, now it's your turn. Go check out the New Year's Resolution linky that we have going on at Blog Hoppin'! My sweet friend Rachel wrote an awesome post that you won't want to miss and we can't wait for you to share your resolutions for the new year!

Happy New Year.
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Happy New Year to you as well!!
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