Hi. My name is Lynda.... and I am addicted to office supplies! If there is a pen, pencil ...notepad ...paperclip ...marker ....watch out! I am all about it!
I am super picky about my selection of planners, calendars and notepads. So when I say that this is my favorite planner of all time....you know I am serious! Finding the perfect planner can really be a difficult task and let's face it, your planner is your life! So it's important to find the perfect one....
And this is it....
April's planner is perfect for all my needs- both teacher and personal!
The planner begins with the monthly tabs. This is where I keep all my important dates and meetings for school and for my crazy busy life as a momma too. I love color coding everything, so the pages are great for including all of the days' events, whether personal or professional.
{A pretty place to put your name}
{Monthly tabs to make everything easy to find}
{A convenient place for notes-
I love to use post-its so that I can continue to add and change
notes through out the month,}
{Weekly page for all your planning needs}
The At-a-Glance is my favorite way to keep organized! I use this part of the Life Map to plan ahead for the year. I am able to add information such as admin contacts, schedules, student names and contact information and student birthdays.
{Admin, substitute and teammate information}
{Student contact information}
{Don't forget your sweet kiddos b-days with this great page!}
{This is perfect for place for your weekly sticky notes}
The very best part...there are pages, organized by week, for long term planning!!! This is one of my FAVORITE features and makes planning so much easier!
{These are my favorite pages!}
There are some wonderful pages for notes and ideas.
It's great to have free space for all life's little notes!
April is amazingly talented and has done a beautiful job of creating a planner that meets all my needs and is OH SO PRETTY to look at! The bright colors and great organization are just what I need and allows for a perfect blend of my school life and my Mama life...I couldn't ask for more!
Now...for a little surprise...
Are you in love and want the chance to win this awesome planner? April has kindly offered one lucky reader a planner!!! All you have to do is check out the rafflecopter below to enter! We will have a winner on Sunday.....I am so excited!!