A linky party ALL ABOUT BOOKS!!
I have always loved reading and adore everything that there is about books! I the thrill of finding a new fabulous books to read is phenomenal and I am driving to let my love of reading rub off on my daughter and my kids at school!
So here are some of my favorites! I can't wait to read the other linkies and add to the long list of books I want to read!!
Childhood Books
Some of my favorite childhood books were Amelia Bedelia, Berenstain Bears and Choose Your Own Adventures books. The best part is to see my child or the kiddos in my class and be able to share with them my own memories of reading those beloved books.
Classroom Favorites
There are too many to count!! I love to read as many books as possible and we are so lucky to have so many talented children's book authors. I love to start the year with some of my favorites such as Officer Buckle and Gloria, Hooway for Wodney Wat and The Monsters from Class 7. There are also several holiday books which are favorites every year, my favorite being Martin's Big Words about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr (which I love to pair with The Crayon Box That Could Talk for amazing classroom discussions!)
Read to My Own Beautiful Child
I will read any book that she asks. There is the understanding that reading is important and valued and I made sure that this was instilled in her from a very early age. I read to her from the first day she was born (in the hospital) and playtime always included book time. She also knows that I will probably say no to a new toy but I will ALWAYS say yes to a new book :)
Professional Favorites
These are books that you will most definitely find on my bookshelf for quick reference:
Anything by Debbie Diller
Strategies That Work
Daily 5
Cafe Book
Continum of Literacy Learning by Fountas and Pinnell
501 Spanish Words for Teachers
Guilty Pleasures
Anything that I can get my hand on! I am huge about reading a book before watching the movie. Right now, I am reading Water for Elephants and Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. But I must say, getting a chance to read a good professional book is on this list too!
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and join in on the linky party!
I know that my list of books is about to get very, very long!
Thanks for linking up today! I will always say YES to a book for my children, too - they are just 3, 5, and 7, but have mighty full bookshelves already!
Reading with your own children is probably the best thing you can do for your child. For me, that was the special time of the day!
I JUST finished _Water for Elephants_ and JUST started _Wicked_! How odd! :)
✰ Mrs. Kincaid
Mrs. Kincaid’s First Grade
I was struggling to remember Helen Lester's name! Thank you! You saved my poor brain. Sorry I am having tech issues tonight. Must be past my bedtime. Thanks for your help.
Life with Mrs. L
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