Great for teaching about rules and laws

Because don't we all feel this way on the first day of school?

The cutest little mouse with the most beautiful and unique name.

You will absolutely fall in love with this little guy!

A sweet book about compassion and kindeness.
(Click here to read more about how I use this with my students)
(Click here to read more about how I use this with my students)

Wonderful book for teaching about following directions (this is also part of a series that is too cute for words!)

And this year, this little book will be even more special because it will fit right in with our classroom theme (not to mention one of my all time fave books! I read this one often because sometimes little ones need reminders.)
I am also planning to bring in the use of the Not-So-Scary Monster Series in a variety of lessons throughout the first few weeks of school.
Are they not the cutest little monsters EVER?!? These are just a few....
So, what are you reading? I would love to add to my never-long-enough list of books! :)
Love your book choices! One of my favorite for the first few weeks of school is Heartprints, by PK Hallinan
We read it out loud {a couple of times of course}, then I cut our a giant heart and write in the middle "I will do my best and try to not wrinkle your heart", then all the students sign it-it's kind of like a class pledge.
Anyway, I'm glad I found your blog! I will visit often to get more great ideas!
You had a great list! It reminds me that once I read Officer Buckle and Gloria to a second grade bilingual class I subbed in, and they did NOT get it! Poor kids. And I also love Chrysanthemum! :)
Magnificent Multiagers!
Tanya- I love Heartprints as well! I read that one as well and when the kiddos do something special for our class or for each other, I give them a "heartprint" to display. I love your idea and I think I might create our class contract that way this year!
Jill- Officer Buckle and Gloria can be a little tricky with the little ones but it is interesting to see which of the kiddos make connections and figure it out (without my help) ;)
Love your book choices!!!! Looks like I will be spending lots of money on books after (during!) this linky party!!!
Fantastic First Grade
Those monsters are DARLING! I will ahve to look them up. Have you heard of the I Need My Monster From Amanda Noll.
Ms. M
Ms.M's Blog
A Teacher's Plan
GREAT book choices- I already put a few in my Amazon cart! I also love to read Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon it's about being proud of who you are and Me First! (almost anything by Helen Lester has a great message) about waiting your turn- great ones my second graders love. Thanks for sharing!
Excellent book choices! My kids always love Officer Buckle & Gloria.
I love the Skippy Jon Jones series!! I have preordered the new book out, Skippy Jon Jones Class Action! Can't wait to get it!!
Where did you get the Not-So- Scary Monster series and how will you be planning lessons. I love your blog, and I am now a follower! :o)
The Not So Scary Monster books look absolutely adorable. I can see myself using those in October in lieu of Halloween. I love to do a monster unit then. I hope you will be posting some ideas to go with these books. I am off to add them to my Wishlist.
Thanks for the great book recommendations.
These books look great and I use some of them. I also use Miss Bindergarten and The Kissing Hand in my kinder classroom. I do love the monster books--I will have to get those! I found your blog because some of your followers stopped by mine--glad they did, now I am a follower of yours.
What a great list! Do you think Officer Buckle and Gloria is too young for 5th grade?? I am looking for some read alouds for the first week of school!
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