A system that as always worked really well for me is the use of clear containers that have lids.
I have one container for each type of supply that I plan to collect and each container is labeled. I line these containers along the front wall of my room. I encourage the students to beginning bringing their supplies to Meet the Teacher (before school begins) so as to try to control some of the craziness that comes with the first day of school. When they arrive, the students and parents are greeted with directions for helping me with supplies. As they eagerly go through their backpacks and shopping bags, they mark what they have brought to school on their check- in list and then begin sorting the supplies in the bins that I have placed at the front of the room.
It really is that easy :)
When I am ready to leave that afternoon, I put the lids on the containers and place them in the closet with the labels facing out so that I can see them and file their check- in lists. Now, my closet and their supplies are organized and ready. I also know who has brought their supplies, still have supplies missing, and who might need a little help getting all their supplies before school beginnings.
On the first day of school, I take the containers and repeat the same procedure, except now the kiddos help me out. It has helped me every year and not only does it allow parents and students interact and become more comfortable in the classroom, but when the day is done, my supplies and my closets are organized. We are ready to start the year!!
Here are the updated and cute-i-fied labels and check list just for you! If you would like for me to send you a word document of the checklist, just let me know and I will send it to you ....just in case you need to tweak it a bit :)

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One Extra Degree

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One Extra Degree
I love it! Last year I had each kids put their supplies in a paper bag and I sorted them later. I wanted to keep each child's supplies separate, but I think I am going to use your system this year. Thanks for sharing!
Simply 2nd Resources
I love your idea for a check list! Do you have a copy of it? I would love to do something similar.
Everyone at my school does the exact same thing, some even set the bins in the hall so there's not such a crowd in the classroom as the sorting is going on. Having the bins labeled(with pictures too) helps so much and gives the kids something to do while I have parents fill out some school forms. Great organizing tip!!
Sure thing! I will post them asap so you can download them. I'll put it into a new post if it is later than tonight.
You rock!!! Thanks for helping me stay organized-right from the beginning! :)
This is so great! I have been researching new ideas on handling the first day school supply madness. My only problem is I don't have the extra storage space for the bins.
How do you handle when children don't or can't bring supplies? Last year, I combined everyone's supplies together and we just used them throughout the year.
Thanks!! For the most part, my kiddos bring thier supplies.I generally have 4-5 students that have difficulty bringing supplies. Now that the supplies are so super cheap, I stock up. Most of everything I collect is community supplies, so it works out well becuase I can use my extra supplies and they don't feel left out or different from anyone else.
I buy just about everything except backpacks because I can usually get those from a donation made to the school.
I have friends of mine not agree with me becuase I do buy extra supplies, with my own money, for those babies. But the way I see it, it is my job as their teacher to provide an environment where they feel safe and loved so that they can learn and if that means I spend my own money to help that happen, so be it. It is a small prize to pay for their success in school :)
"...The way I see it, it is my job as their teacher to provide an environment where they feel safe and loved so that they can learn and if that means I spend my own money to help that happen, so be it."
I {heart} you. :)
✰ Mrs. Kincaid
Mrs. Kincaid’s First Grade
Awww! Thank you!! What can I say, I love my babies :)
Love this idea!! I have taken the last year off after teaching for 8 years and I am really feeling over whelmed with going back this year. This idea will really help me!! Can't wait for the check list and labels :)
YAY!! Super cute labels and checklist ready for you to use!! Enjoy!!
Love this idea. I can't wait to try it. I spend many hours sorting through supply bags before school starts.
I do the same thing! Everything has a label! Such a time saver!
Rowdy in First Grade
Love this idea so much! Thanks for sharing!!! I am excited about getting organized on the first day.
Thank you so much for sharing - I am all about organizing too! It leaves a great first impression with the parents too - they see right away that you have things under control (builds trust from the first steps into the classroom!). Can't wait to use your labels!!! :o)
So Then There Were 2
I would love a copy in word. I wish we got all of those supplies! ddfroggy13@yahoo.com
Would you mind sending this to me in word as well? This is a fabulous idea to make that day easier!! Thank you soo much!!
Thank you for sharing! I would love to have a copy of your checkoff sheet. Thanks for making this process easier!
Thanks for sharing! Your labels are so cute.
I would also like a word version. Does it have name of font?? I love it. Thanks for sharing.
I would love to have the Word version, thanks SO much for sharing!
What a great idea and checklist! I am amazed! Do you actually get all of those supplies from each child? Last year, I only received 10 folders, 3 boxes of kleenex, 3 packages of paper, 5 boxes of pencils and 7 glue sticks. I had to buy all of the rest.
I would love to have the Word version :) Thnaks so much! Love the idea of the kids/parents doing the work and not me :)
would like the word version...THANK YOU....
Word version for me too, please! Thanks so much for sharing! I have my kids/parents sort supplies and I always wonder who brought what! This will help SO much!
Thank you for the freebies! I love your checklist idea. I always have the kids sort out their supplies but never keep track of who didn't bring anything in.
Swimming into Second
I'd love to have this as a word document, if possible so I could fit it to our supplies.
Thanks so much! Cute graphics!
:) Shelly
I LOVE THIS IDEA! Thank you!
Oh my! Love all these labels! I just bought some super cute bins @ Dollar Tree that I have been meaning to post about. Well the bins are going to store the supplies. For years I would put all the supplies separate in Ziplocs but I bought these bins to keep them more organized. The labels are da bomb! I would soooo appreciate a word version of the checklist...see what you started by being so generous :o) My email is melissaalonzo@sbcglobal.net
Peace, Mel D
Oh the Places We’ll Go
The google docs isnt opening for me. Would you mind emailing it to me?
thank you!
Meet the Teacher night is always for overwhelming for me because of the supplies. I love your checklist idea! Can I get the checklist on word format so that I can tweak it with our supply list? Thank you!! Love your ideas!!
Wow! Thanks bunches!
Please send me the checklist, too.
Blessings & peace,
I'd love a copy!
I love your idea for a check list! Can you send the Word docs? dbs0786@gmail.com
I really like your supply labels! Can I get it in word to make a few changes?
I would also really love a copy of the word doc when you get a chance. These are great!
Great idea! Thanks for sharing!! I've been trying to figure out how I want to organize their supplies all week. You just helped me decide.
Would you please give me a copy in word?
You have great ideas!!!
Could I also get a copy in word? Thank you!
I love your labels...much cuter than my present ones. Could I get a copy in Word too?
I will definitely use your bin idea and the labels. Could I please get a copy of your checklist? meganrhein@gmail.com
Thank you!
Love the bins! I usually have the kids put their things in piles that I sort through later. I like the fact that the kids and parents work together to sort the supplies. Can you send me a word version so I can tweak the checklist with my supplies?
I'd love a word document if you can.
eclaws18 @ gmail . com
I would also love a copy in Word. Thank you so much!
A word copy of this would be great when you have a chance :)
LOVE this idea! If you could send me a Word copy, it would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you for sharing! :-)
Thanks for sharing! I love these!
Bea Samples
Could you please send me a copy of the labels and the checklist? Thank you for sharing this great idea with us!
We do the exact same thing but I love your cute labels and checklist for the parents. Is it too late to request your checklist in Word format? estinnett@shawnee.k12.ok.us
These are perfect. Would you have a chance to add Disinfecting Wipes and Baby Wipes to your document? I would appreciate it so much!!! I love the design and look of these. If you would, could you send me it in the Word document? Thanks again.
These are great! I do the same thing but my labels aren't as cute as yours. Like the previous post, I could use one for Baby Wipes. Please send me the checklist as a word document so I can adjust it for our supply list. Thanks so much for sharing!!
I would love to have a copy of the checklist in WORD so that I can adjust it to our supply list. Thanks!!!
I'd love a copy of the checklist in Word too. This sounds like a great idea to keep supplies organized efficiently!
Love, love, love this idea and I am SO doing this for the upcoming school year! If possible, I would love to have a copy of your checklist in Word so that I can alter it to the supplies my kiddos will need. My email is joynersjewels@gmail.com.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas!
What a great idea! Thank you for sharing these with us. Would you mind sending me a copy of the labels in Word? I teach preschool and we do not request as many items.
Thank you again for sharing!
Can you send me the word document please? mrspalmer0102@gmail.com
Thank you so much for sharing. Would you please be so kind and email me the word document?
Happy summer,
Thank you everyone for your patience! I hope that everyone received their copy! :)
I love this! Could you send me it in a word doc? Thanks
Awesome site and ideas! I would love to have this in a word doc, please, so that I can modify it to match our school's supply list. Thanks so much!
What a great idea! I have been using the paper bags for years, but this would take the work out of it for me and organize it at the same time. I would love the word form.
Thank you!
I love your checklist and ideas! Please send me a word doc when you can...
This is fabulous! Could you please send me the word doc version when you can? Thanks!!!
I would also love a copy in word. I can't wait to do this with my class. Thanks for sharing.
LOVE this idea! Could you send me the word doc. so I can tweak it for my school/grade? purpletoad16@hotmail.com
FABULOUS idea! I don't have a Meet the Teacher day, but do end up collecting school supplies on the first day. It's always been overwhelming with so many supplies. But I like your idea of bins with picture labels and checklists so the students can take part in this activity. Could you please send me the word doc. of the checklist so that I could modify? Also, would you mind if I share your blog post on my blog? I think this is a fab. resource and would like others to find it as well.
:0) Melissa
More Time 2 Teach
email: moretime2teach@gmail.com
I love your ideas!! Could you please send this to me in a word document? Thank you so much!!
Thanks for such helpful information! May I please have the supply list in a Word document?
Could you send me the label document in Word? Thank you!
Would you send me the label and supply list document in Word? Thanks so much!
I would love the label and supply list in Word.
This is genius! :)
I would love to get the supply list in a word document!
Forgot my email! awaters@centurylink.net
Thanks again
I would love the supply list and labels in Word.
Thanks! :)
Hi! Thank you so much for sharing these! I did receive my word document from you and you are truly so nice for doing all of this extra "sending out".
I wanted to let you know that I believe you have left out the word "you" in your first sentence. You may have already corrected this but thought you might want to for next time.
Thanks so much for all of your great ideas and for all of your hard work!
Extraordinary work you folks are doing with this webpage.
teaching supplies
would like the word version...THANK YOU....
I would love the word version, please. Thank you for sharing
Is it possible to get a copy of the word version, please? Thank you!
Well, it’s a nice one, I have been looking for. Thanks for sharing such informative stuff.New Zealand Language Centres
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