Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Thankfulness with Blog Hoppin....A for Apps

Two posts in one day? Can you say inspired! I am having so much fun with Blog Hoppin's Thanksgiving linky and am really loving having a few extra moments to blog away!

A is for APPS!

I love my iPhone, iPad and all things Apple. There are so many cool apps out there and I wanted to share some of the coolest ones that I have found this year!

Plickers is an awesome app that allows you to use your iDevice to get instant feedback from your students! Once you have created a class, download the unique qr code for each student. Each card is coded with 4 different responses and all the students have to do is turn their qr code to show their answer (A-D). You take a picture with your iDevice and BAM! Instant feedback! It is pretty cool and amazingly useful during lessons and as exit tickets.

Don't have time to grade papers? ZipGrade allows you to simply scan your students answer's that simple. You will need to create a class on their website and choose which scan tron you will use and print for your assignment. Then have the kids bubble their responses, take a picture of your key....and start grading! 

I love this app and have used it for two years. It is one of the most effective and best forms of communication that I have with my student's parents.  It is perfect for reminders, sharing class pictures and getting important information to them quickly. The best part is that now you can schedule texts and even send a voice message!  Many of the parents really appreciate this app because they are more likely to see a text than and email or a note from me. 

I just love apps and when I find one that is really helpful....there is nothing better than to share it! Try them out and hopefully  you will love them as much as I do!

Thanksgiving Thankfulness with Blog Hoppin...H is for Homemade How To

I am joining my sweet friends at Blog Hoppin for a wekk of giving thanks! 

Thanksgiving is definitely upon us and I can't wait to start cooking and baking! I absolutely love to be in the kitchen, creating and trying new recipes! This year, I am going to try something new....desserts! I have to admit that I can cook tons of yummy meals but I have never been able to make sweet treats!

So here is a recipe that I am trying this year. It simple involves a microwave....LOL! I love fudge and when this recipe came along on my Facebook feed, I couldn't help myself!! It was time to make some FUDGE!!

The best part is...there is a video tutorial! I was so excited that I can'e even stand it!

(Source: SFG)

It's super fast and very easy, which makes it absolutely perfect for this novice dessert creator! Hope you enjoy the absolute yumminess!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Thankfulness with Blog Hoppin- Traditions

Today is the first day of a week full of thanks with Blog Hoppin'! Thanksgiving begins one of my absolute favorite times of the year! The cool weather, warm coffee and thoughts of all the wonderful holidays that will soon fill our calendars but more importantly our hearts and homes...

One of my Thanksgiving traditions is watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. I remember as a little girl waking up and running to the tv to see all my favorite characters, larger than life, float down the avenue that was decorated with tinsel and lights. I would sit in anticipation of The Radio City Rockettes, waiting to see their glamorous costumes and amazing dancing to popular Christmas music. I would sing along with the Broadway performers and pretending to be on the big stage...

But my favorite, my absolute favorite, is when Santa finally appears at the end of the parade! It was what I desperately waited for as a little girl, the man in the red suit, ushering in the holiday season. Now, as an adult, I still watch with the same anticipation...except now, I watch my daughter and get a small lump in my throat when I think about how truly blessed I am to share this with her...and to have her in my life. 

Thanksgiving and the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade are moments in the year that I always look forward to and can't wait to enjoy with family and friends, This is the time of year that we all truly turn to what is most important to us and for that I am truly thankful.

What are you thankful for? Join us at Blog Hoppin' and share your stories with us! 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Bright Ideas Year in Review

Welcome to the November edition of the Bright Ideas Link- Up! This one is a special one! Over the past 10 months, we have shared thousands of great ideas through our monthly Bright Ideas blog posts. This month, we’re re-capping all of those great ideas, just in case you missed any! Below you will find some of my bright ideas from the past several months:

As I moved to fourth grade, I had to rework how I organized my students work. My kiddos really loved it and it really helped me to keep track of who had turned in their paper and who had not! 

I really loved everything about our Camp Write Along and these activities were perfect for soothing the testing season anxiety that kids have as they approach their standardized testing!

I think this Bright Idea may just be my favorite! I always look for ways to incorporate interactive notebooks and this post definitely will help you set up your notebooks too! 

I prepared this post as I was planning for my Meet the Teacher at the beginning of the year! It worked out so well, I used it again this week for my Parent Orientation this week!

I was totally motivated by the documentary, TEACH, and my own Donors Choose project for this post on how to use contact paper in your classroom to provide more work space for your students!

I truly hope that you have enjoyed these ideas and that you found an idea that would works for you! 
It is so much fun to share these ideas with you!  Be sure to check out the link up below for tons more bright ideas from my friends! 

More Bright Ideas:

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.